Cotton cloth is soft and natural material , and is good for polishing . But there are so many kinds of cotton cloth : harder, softer, higher density or looser density. Upon different use, we can choose different kind of cotton cloth for the wheels, and make sure they are 100% cotton made, and can also made treatment with resin or starch to made harder as desired.


Disc cotton buff

     Code :DC 1601
     Cloth as desired
     Outer Dia :50mm to 500mm
     Inter hole :as desired
     Thickness :up to 18mm
     Sewing :spiral or round

Disc cotton buff fuzzed

     Code :DC/F 1501
     Cloth as desired
     Outer Dia :50mm to 500mm
      Inter hole :as desired
     Thickness :up to 18mm
     Sewing :spiral or round

Loose cotton buff/1

     Code :LL/1 1501
     Cloth as desired
     Outer Dia :50mm to 500mm
     Inter hole :as desired
     Thickness :up to 18mm

Loose cotton buff/2

     Code :LL/2
     Cloth as desired
     Outer Dia :50mm to 500mm
     Inter hole :as desired
     Thickness :up to 18mm

Loose cotton buff fuzzed

     Code :LL/F 1401
     Cloth as desired
     Outer size :50mm to 500mm
     Inter size :as desired
     Thickness :up to 18mm

Canton Flannel

      Code :LL/FC 1301
      Outer Dia :as desired
      Inter hole : Iron & as desired
      Thickness :up to 18mm

Bias cotton buff/1

      Code :BC/1 0901
      Outer Dia :8" to 20"
      Inter hole :3",5", 7"
     Thickness :normally 16 piles

Bias cotton buff/2

            Code :BC/2 0902
            Outer Dia :8" to 20"
            Inter hole :3",5",7"
            Thickness :as desired

Bias cotton buff/3

    Code :BC/3 0903
    Outer Dia :80mm to 250mm
    Inter hole :19mm/24mm/32mm
    Thickness :as desired

Bias cotton buff/4

   Code :BC/4 0904
   Outer Dia :80mm to 250mm
   Inter hole :19mm/24mm/32mm
   Thickness :as desired

V bias cotton buff/1

           Code :VC/1
           Outer Dia :8" to 20"
           Inter Hole :3",5",7"
           Thickness :as desired

V bias cotton buff hard

            Code :VC/2
            Outer Dia :8" to 20"
            Inter Hole :3",5", 7"
            Thickness :as desired

Finger cotton buff

                                Code :FS
                                All as desired

Bias cotton buffs/5

              Code :BC/5 0905
               Outer Dia :80mm to 250mm
               Inter hole :3", 5", 7"
               Thickness :as desired